SNAP Review – Bite Your Tongue
[with tongue between teeth] Ok boys, do you prefer serious games or silly games?
[pinching nose] Serious, but I like silly ones too.
[pinching nose] Silly!
[tongue between teeth] Well that’s good because…
That’s good, because we’re going to talk about a silly game this week. This is a SNAP review for Bite Your Tongue!
Bite Your Tongue is a silly party game for 3-8 players age 10 and up. It takes about 15 minutes to play and it’s published by R&R Games.
So boys, what do you think about the art in Bite Your Tongue?
I mean I like the pouch, but there isn’t too much on the cards – just enough to remind you of how you’re supposed to give the clues.

Speaking of clues, what do you use them for? Asher, what are the mechanics for Bite Your Tongue?
Bite Your Tongue is pretty simple. A game of Bite Your Tongue lasts long enough for everyone to be the clue giver one time. When you’re the clue giver, take a card. The answer is at the bottom. And then you give the first clue by holding your nose.
Then, give the second clue by biting your tongue.
And give the third clue by pinching your nose and holding your tongue out.
Everyone gets one chance to guess but they’re only allowed one answer per clue.
The clue giver gives the correct guesser the card. That’s a point at the end of the game. The clue giver also takes a point token.
If multiple people guess at the same time, everyone gets a point token. No need to fight it out!
The clue giver can pass on a card if they don’t think the guessers will get it, but it gets discarded for the rest of the game.
They try to get people to guess as many clues as possible in sixty seconds, then the next person gets to be the clue giver.
Once everyone has been the clue giver once, tally up the points. Whoever has the most points wins!
All right, so let’s talk about some expectations. Asher, what did you expect from this game?
I expected it to be a party game with biting your tongue and guessing things. I didn’t think it’d be that original.
And you Elliot?
I expected we’d be, just like, biting our tongues and trying to yell at each other.
Alright, well, I expected a game that was going to be silly, and honestly kind of forgettable. But sometimes that’s just what you need with your kids, just to find a little bit of levity.
So let’s talk about surprises. Elliot? Were there any surprises for you?
I mean, not really. I laughed a little harder than I expected to.
Laughing is good. Asher?
I was honestly surprised at how simple the game was. I also liked how quick it was, given it was so simple. And we did laugh a lot.
A lot of laughing.
– A lot of laughing.
And that, ultimately, is what I’m going to come back to. I was kind of tentative to play this one with the boys because I was worried they would just think it was dumb and complain the whole time, but honestly, they were actually more engaged than I expected.
Limiting the turns to one minute apiece means a game shouldn’t last a lot more than ten to fifteen minutes. Of course you could go around the table a second time if you want to keep going.
So, there’s not a ton to this game, but it’s definitely good for some laughs.
We’re going to give Bite Your Tongue 2½ Tongues out of 5.
And that’s Bite Your Tongue IN A SNAP!

The Family Gamers received a copy of Bite Your Tongue from R&R Games for this review.
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SNAP review music is Avalanche, provided courtesy of You Bred Raptors?
Bite Your Tongue
Age Range: 8+
Number of Players: 3-8
Playtime: 15 minutes
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