Dragonrealm: A Worthy Successor!


Can you defeat the dragons – again?

In 2015, Gamewright released Dragonwood: A Game of Dice and Daring from Darren Kisgen and it quickly became a popular title because of its excellent gameplay, theming, and art. (At least, we thought so in our review.) In 2019, they’ve teamed up again to publish Dragonrealm: A Game of Goblins and Gold!

Dragonrealm is an area control game for 2-4 adventurers age 10+ that lasts about 20-30 minutes. It features the same basic gameplay mechanics as Dragonwood, making it a familiar return to the same fantasy world. The addition of area control makes Dragonrealm slightly more complex, but still accessible for beginning gamers.

coins, dragonrealm location cards, number cards, and dice.
Dragonrealm setup


First, place the Adventurer’s Academy or Adventurer’s Alley location in the middle of the play area. Then, sort the location tiles into colored stacks and prepare the location stack with a green location on the bottom and six cards on top: blue, orange, purple, blue, orange, purple. Turn the first three cards face-up in the middle of the table.

Dragonrealm enhancement cards: "Lucky Socks", "Potion of Invisibility", "Pet Chipmunk"
Sample enhancements

Deal three enhancement cards (purple backs) to each player to choose two levels worth of enhancements to keep. Put the discards on the bottom of the enhancement deck. Deal five adventure cards (red backs) to each player. Place the deck face down in the center of the table, and turn two cards face up. If anyone (including the table) gets a Goblins! or Rockslide! card, return them to the deck and replace them. If playing with four players, remove two Goblins! cards from the deck.

Assign a color to each player and give them their eight meeples. It’s time to explore and find treasure!


On an adventurer’s turn they can Rest or Explore.


Resting adventurers draw two adventure cards, either from the face up cards or from the deck. Cards are either numbers, Goblins!, or Rockslide! cards. If an adventurer draws a Goblins card they must immediately play it and place a Goblin meeple on the indicated location (left, center, or right). These goblins clog up precious spaces and might cost someone a majority in a location! The adventurer draws a card to replace the goblin. Rockslide! cards force all players to pass cards around the table.


Exploring adventurers try to take control of a space on a chosen location. Taking control of locations is how adventurers get coins, which are the goal of Dragonrealm.

Dragonrealm explore types: Sneak (cards 1,2,3,4), Search (cards yellow 12, purple 12, green 12), and Storm (blue 4, blue 8, blue 10)
From right to left: Sneak, Search, Storm.

Adventurers can place meeples on locations by performing one of three explore actions: Sneak, Search, and Storm. These actions represent familiar poker scoring hands and should be familiar to Dragonwood players. Adventurers play one-to-six cards face up and declare their desired action:

  • Sneak – Cards that are all the same color (Flush)
  • Search – Cards that are all the same number (x-of-a-kind)
  • Sneak – Cards that are in sequence (Straight)

They then roll a number of dice equal to the number of cards played, hoping to beat the threshold for this action on their chosen location. The adventurer must meet or exceed the threshold with the sum of their dice to place a meeple on one of the location circles. If the threshold number appears in a gold circle, place two meeples when you beat it! If the adventurer fails to meet the threshold, they put a meeple on the Adventurer’s Academy instead. This meeple can be removed later to add one to a die roll.

Cards 1,2,3,4 with a red meeple. Dice showing 4,4,2,1. Location "Enchanted Forest" with two red meeples on it.
Red needs to roll a 10 to “sneak”; they play four cards and roll four dice. They succeed, and get to place two meeples (because of the gold circle on the “sneak” action).

As with Dragonwood, adventurers may use enhancement cards to help their rolls as well.

Scoring a Location

Locations score when all of the circles on them are filled with meeples. The split shield on the card shows the scores for the first and second place adventurers, depending on who has the most meeples on the card. The winners take that many coins from the central pile. Goblins can take majorities as well, but any coins won by Goblins are lost.

Blue wins the location card and seven coins. Yellow is in second place and gets four coins.

When there is only one adventurer on a location that scores, they get BOTH prizes! If adventurers tie for the most meeples, add the numbers and divide evenly, rounding down.

Most locations also have Dragonstones. Whoever has the most Dragonstones at the end of the game gets a five point bonus.

Purple meeples next to a stack of 3 cards, showing 1, 2, and 4 dragonstones. A silver 5-coin is also in the picture.
At the end of the game, purple has the most Dragonstones (7) and gets a five coin bonus.

Game End

The game immediately ends once the last location (the Dragon location) is complete. Score uncompleted locations as if they were completed, and assign the Dragonstone bonus. Whoever has the most coins wins!


Dragonrealm adds another layer of complexity over Dragonwood, but this is welcome. Anyone who has played and enjoyed Dragonwood would feel comfortable with Dragonrealm. The transition of the core mechanics from a point collection game to an area control game is seamless, and the goblins add another X-factor that keeps things interesting. Each play will only see six of the twenty-five possible locations, which helps with replayability. Chris Beatrice‘s artwork remains consistent with the original, and is gorgeous to take in.

I would have liked to have seen more special cards in the adventurers deck to mix up the gameplay. If using the Adventurer’s Academy, there’s no way to get extra enhancements after the initial selection. We’d recommend using the Adventurer’s Alley as soon as you understand the other rules, so you can trade failed rolls for new enhancement cards.

Resting either gives you number cards or negative effects. This varies from Dragonwood, where some monsters give bonuses when defeated, or even some positive cards that could help one or all players.

Goblins! card tells you to add a goblin to the middle location.
Add a goblin

I’d love to see a hybrid of both games where players must defeat monsters in certain locations before they can capture a location. Monsters could award points, treasure, or Dragonstones; and the player who defeated the monster could have a bonus in capturing that location. This could allow for some varied strategy with some players choosing to defeat monsters while others only explore locations.

Without this, Dragonrealm is relatively one-dimensional. This isn’t bad as it is an entry-level game. But some options in gameplay would be welcome to more advanced players.

Still, Dragonrealm will remain a favorite for a straightforward area control game accessible for the whole family. Contact your FLGS or check out Amazon to get a copy today for just around $25.


The Family Gamers received a promotional copy of Dragonrealm for this review.

This post contains affiliate links, which do not change your price, but help support The Family Gamers.

  • 9/10
    Art - 9/10
  • 7/10
    Mechanics - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Family Fun - 8/10


Number of Players: 2-4

Playtime: 30 minutes

Age Range: 10+ (we say 8+)

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  • Don

    Great review! One question that is driving me a bit batty – what does the “Lucky Socks” card mean? 1 dice is worth two dice? Play it and pick up two cards?

  • Hi Don, The “1” and “2” on the Lucky Socks card is a picture of the dice. So it means turn a rolled “1” into a “2”.

  • Paul Bard

    Can you only turn one rolled “1” into a “2” or all rolled 1’s into 2’s?

  • Miki

    Hi! Would you recommend this over Dragonwood? Looking to play as a 2-player with a 9yo novice gamer.

    • Miki, with a novice 9-year-old, I’d recommend Dragonwood. It’s a bit simpler (no area control as there is in Dragonrealm), and exciting to beat the monsters.