Gen Con 2018: JC Dorais – FoxMind Games


FoxMindWe talk to JC Dorais of FoxMind Games about what they were promoting at Gen Con 2018.

Originally, FoxMind was known for educational games, but they’ve been increasing their catalog of family games. (Easy to teach, affordable, colorful.) Here’s some of their newest:

The Potion – a microgame for 3-7 players. Deduction and bluffing, packaged in a small bottle! Acrylic pieces representing ingredients. Choose an ingredient secretly and try to match with other players.

Sports Dice: Football (a partner/successor to Sports Dice: Baseball, one of Andrew’s favorites, from Andy Geremia) Simulates football in a short, dice-based format.

Manhattan gameManhattan – a new version of the 1994 Spiel des Jahres winner (the year before Catan was released). It’s been out of print for 12 years, and FoxMind has now brought it back! More colorful, but substantially the same. Build skyscrapers

Bermuda Pirates – coming next year. A dexterity game with pushing/pulling. Avoid hidden “traps” (magnetic) to be able to keep your treasure.


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