SNAP Review – Unmatched: Marvel Teen Spirit

We love Unmatched. But one thing we hadn’t done yet was dig into those branded Marvel sets. So that’s the question we’re going to ask this week. How does Unmatched hold up with super heroes?
» Read moreWe love Unmatched. But one thing we hadn’t done yet was dig into those branded Marvel sets. So that’s the question we’re going to ask this week. How does Unmatched hold up with super heroes?
» Read moreThe junkyard rats have been dreaming about the moon made of cheese. Now they’re going to build a rocket and see if they can make it there!
» Read moreSpeculation isn’t just for stocks! In the early 1990s, a frenzy of speculation almost destroyed the comic book industry. Recreate these frenzied highs – and lows – in this brand new game from Scott Almes and APE Games.
» Read morePOW! is a press-your luck game of comic book character drafting, from Reiner Knizia and Gigamic. Your goal: build a cast of characters for your comic book. Collect both superheroes and supervillians, to create a balanced comic. Listen to our SNAP review of POW! in 5 minutes, or read on below. Gameplay Setup by randomizing the superheroes (blue/teal) and supervillians
» Read moreThe Tea Dragon Society now has meetings in board game land! Does the game hold up to the tone and message of the comic? Is it still fun to play if you’ve never read the comic? Yes to both!
» Read more