Pan Am: The Game – Airline Extravaganza

Pan Am game box

From tweed suits to short skirts, parties in the skies were the events du jour. Regional airlines gave way to international forces like Pan American World Airways and Trans World Airlines. You too can capture this era through Pan Am: The Game from Funko Games. In Pan Am, you will be the leader of one of those regional airlines. No

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SNAP Review – 5er Finden

5er Finden

5er Finden is an unusual roll-and-write search game designed by Jürgen Grunau. Up to four players can play, including a solo mode. Published by HABA, the recommended age range is 7-99 and it plays in about 20 minutes. Search for shapes on your personal board that contain all five colored shapes rolled on the five dice. Flip the timer if

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SNAP Review – Quirky Circuits

Quirky Circuits

Quirky Circuits combines programming and multi-player cooperative play in a way we’ve never seen before. Players try to cooperate to get the robots to do the right thing; but what one player thinks is “right” might not match what another player intends.

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Downforce: Danger Circuit & Wild Ride – Remaking the Review of a Remake

Downforce Wild Ride

Remember our Downforce review? Restoration Games has released two expansions since 2017. The time has come for more Downforce reviews. Do Danger Circuit and Wild Ride amp up the fun?

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SNAP Review – Fairy Season

Fairy Season game

The Goblin Chiefs have ordered their flunkies into the forest to catch Fairies across the four seasons. They want to shake out the Fairy dust to make a wicked winter brew! Herd Fairies into Swarms and use Goblins to trick and trap them. Lure in the mighty Royal Fairies to free their Fairy friends, then catch them too! This review

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The Grimm Masquerade

The Grimm Masquerade - game components

We have adored The Grimm Masquerade since we first saw it. It’s easy to learn and accessible, appropriate for a wide range of players. Whether you love social deduction or hate bluffing, you owe it to yourself to try it.

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