SNAP Review – ROVE

The Results Oriented Versatile Explorer (ROVE) has crash-landed on an alien planet. It must reconfigure its modules to navigate the planet and report back! Game ROVE is a game for one player, age 8+. It was designed (and illustrated!) by Dustin Dobson & Milan Zivkovic and it’s published by Button Shy. Art The art uses some familiar sci-fi and robot

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209 – Bruce Voge – The Family Gamers Podcast

Bruce Voge and Nick Martinelli

This week, we welcome Bruce Voge to the show! You may have seen Bruce before from our cricket-eating videos. We have a 209 fact that is baseball-related. As of recording time (8/28), the top 5 hitters in the major leagues have combined for 209 hits. Thanks as always to our sponsor, First Move Financial – they can help you with

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Twin Stars: Tiny Solo Adventures

Twin Stars: Adventure Series I

I love science fiction and I love games; but I hate waiting around. Unfortunately, whether it’s a music class, sports practice, or just school pickup, I do a lot of waiting. Why not play a game? Twin Stars is a solo wallet-sized game from Button Shy, played with only 3 cards at a time.

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2 Button Shy Games: Cow, Tiger, Santa Claus & In Vino Morte

In Vino Morte, Cow Tiger Santa Claus

Button Shy is a micro-publisher dealing exclusively in micro-games. All of their games are small enough to fit in a wallet. Although some of these games are quite involved despite the small number of cards, we’ll be looking at two of their lightest games: a travel game and a fast deduction party game. Cow, Tiger, Santa Claus As a child,

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