2 Button Shy Games: Cow, Tiger, Santa Claus & In Vino Morte

In Vino Morte, Cow Tiger Santa Claus

Button Shy is a micro-publisher dealing exclusively in micro-games. All of their games are small enough to fit in a wallet. Although some of these games are quite involved despite the small number of cards, we’ll be looking at two of their lightest games: a travel game and a fast deduction party game. Cow, Tiger, Santa Claus As a child,

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Adventure Land: May the Bravest Win!

Adventure Land

Call fellow adventures to the table and prepare for epic battles! Protect the realm from the dangers that lurk within the fog surrounding the banks of the great river. On your way, gather swords from the mountains and medicinal herbs from the forests. Will you heed the call to Adventure Land?

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Ancestree: Fiddling with Families for Family Fun


“My family is better than yours!” That’s the premise behind Ancestree, created by Eric Lang and published by Calliope Games. Draft tiles and build a dynasty worth commemorating! Or will your lineage be merely mediocre?

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Anomia Kids: Sounds Like Fun!

Anomia Kids

Anomia is a word from a Latin root and means “without name”. It’s the term for being unable to come up with the name of an object. Anomia is also a game (from Anomia Press), in which players race to come up with a word that fits a certain category, ranging from “color” to “rock opera” to “shampoo brand”.

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ArcheOlogic – Deductive Cartography


Mapping a hidden city full of traps is the theme of ArcheOlogic, a new logic and deduction game from Ludonaute. ArcheOlogic is a deduction and polyomino placement game for 1-4 players ages 12 and up. A game should take a little under an hour. Setup In ArcheOlogic, players race to determine the correct placement of six buildings (represented by polyominos)

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Ark & Noah: A Game Drenched in Biblical Themes

Ark & Noah Board

Crashing lightning, booming thunder, and thousands upon thousands of gallons of water pour from the sky. The drumming of torrential downpour on the roof of the Ark is calming in its regularity, as the unending rows of matched pair animals bray and paw nervously. There is a loud creaking as the rising water level begins to lift the massive boat

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Atheneum: Mystic Library – Feeling Bookish

Atheneum: Mystic Library

A security guard caught you red-handed sneaking into the school library late at night for some before-the-final cramming. Your penance is to sort and reshelve all the books that need to be cleaned up! Athenenum: Mystic Library is a drafting and spatial planning game for 2-5 players ages 10 and up. It takes between 30-45 minutes to sort and shelve

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Bärenpark: A Koala-ity Family Experience


It’s time to bear down and start building! This week we take a look at one of the hottest games to come out of Origin this year, the tile-laying game Bärenpark from Lookout Spiele and Mayfair. We’ll tell you whether it’s a universally koality* experience, or if we think it’s a bit more polar-izing.

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